

i love taking pictures... ♥ 3♥

i took these pictures around my house so haha; 
the sky was pretty ;A; i just had to capture the moment.

and here's me being a boy lol

me so ugly.

mmm yummy

o u o  i was going to finish it but i decided in the end not too...
i need to work on coloring more! > A< and noses lol; haha with time though..with time - u -


sorry i haven't been posting art lately ;A; ahhhh im hopeless.

but i just read the latest naruto chapter.

EVIL NARUTO WTFFF ;A; is it strange i find evil naruto hotter than nice naruto LOL
i mean naruto is hot but an evil side....-whistle-

and lol "YEAHH BOIIII"


i need to find a prom dress. :(
all these new styles today are so ugly wtf.

ahhh. and i hate it when i backspace when typing
and it goes backward a page instead of a letter - - ;;;
so i end up loosing my typed stuff....

but anyway.... so i drew this just now 8D
hmm.... lol i need to work on anatomy.
and other stuff...

my mood right now is very...indifferent
well im kinda thirsty! o vo ;;;

fffff and i need to draw my OCs sometime
i neglect them too much ;A; im sorry guys ilu

i should...

draw more interesting things. i have a lot of originals in my head but im too lazy to draw them because i know they will take forever to draw :c

is that a bad thing? XD

and........ i need to stop drawing cute things...

yee haw

well i can't draw girl clothes...
anyone know cute sites to look at cute girl clothes at? 8D then again i could just google it.. - w-

and i like him so you get to see him too. 8D he's somebody's oc on gaia hur