
so new template.

i like this template a lot. haha. and it was a basic one too. :>

though tomorrow, i have a chemistry test. chp 16-19. ;  ~ ; i am going to die! orz (who knows how many times i've said that ahhh) i will try to study though. > 3< i need to get into that habit again. i am slipping as a student and im disappointed in myself. :( where is my motivation when i need it?! - v- i guess i ran away with my care emotion as well....

anyway i don't really have any art to post. so here is an old picture i drew for somebody on solia. :> i liked it. 


Anonymous said...

i'm going through senioritis right now ;~; goodluck lina & cute drawing like always hehe * u *

ccachu said...

awww~ what was the topic? if i wasn't busy i would have helped you if you needed it. sorru ;-;
good luck <3

rofl my layout sucks. the site chose it for me randomly. i dont know how to use this site. OTL

cute drawing too :D <3 <3