

well i can't believe it.. but i have about a month and a half ish left until school is out.
i am not looking forward to it. i have to apply for a few colleges, get recommendations, apply for scholarships..etc and i also have to worry about these AP tests in may which i am going to DREAD. ahhh. they're horrible. i should start studying haha. i also have a whole week of semester tests on top of that..along with state testing. orz it is going to be a horrible month! on the other side, i won't have much homework..hopefully. mostly reading / studying in may. school lets out may 26th? i think. and then i will be a senior! i still can't believe it. time really does fly. i do regret not doing my best for the past few years haha.... maybe next year i will try hard and do nothing but study! -shot- expect during senior year for me not to be online / drawing as much. and besides if i draw too much i end up getting in an art block anyway XD so its better if i draw a few times a month rather than 20 times a day haha. hopefully i will improve next year. i plan on taking anatomy + art I for the first time! i am excited. let's hope my schedule goes out according to plan. we're having 7 periods but only like a 40 min lunch. which is hard because upper classmen get open lunch (where we are released to go eat anywhere) and it usually takes the whole hour to eat. = 3 = i might as well just pack lunch or something. they say our cafeteria is going to be built by jan 2011 so... goodbye free lunch! -cries- i will miss you fast food. hello gross cafeteria food. .. i am definitely going to pack my lunch.

wow this entry is long... XD ;; i hope nobody reads this.. - w- i wouldn't read it myself hahaha.

no art today. i didn't draw anything recently that i'd want to show... :< i will try to just post original art next time. = w= when i am not lazy hahaha. -shot- btw apples are super yummyyyy. 8D

1 comment:

ccachu said...

whoa good luck with everything!
it may seem so stressing but after you are finished, you will feel accomplished and FREE

haha i thought the same way for senior year but nope...pfft i was still the same XD
except i loved my studio art class <3

wow 40 min lunch? that sounds HEAVENLY
in my HS, it's 20 min lunch D: and everyone squishes into the small cafeteria. so they broke up the lunches. i hated getting the first lunch ( i got it twice in HS grrr) at 10:00 am
10!!! school starts at 7:52 (basically 8am) and two hours later its lunch <<;
i remember always starving toward the end of the day lol

make bentos!! kekeke. if i was near you i would definitely make bento for you ;~; its fun to make! and yummy ;)


i never got to draw today ):
/kicks math