
i feel very lucky.

today i got my report card! and my mom didn't kill me for having only one A and the rest Bs (though i wanted to kill myself when i got my report card hahaha.) i think she's getting to the point where she doesn't care anymore LOL. more americanized already! -shot- but im really thankful. now i can enjoy my last school semester...somewhat. -__- i am not looking forward to the AP exams + semester tests + more tests in may. 9 more weeks to go!! -tears of blood- i hope it goes by quickly. i will try to focus more on getting better grades and acutally studying for tests. so i might not be online on the weekdays much. probably only on weekends...maybe. :/ i also need to get myself ready for college! i need to write my stuff and get recommendations. ughh. i wonder what teachers would write for me.. T O T

im not drawing much for myself these days. XD well mostly in doodles on paper in class... but that's not really anything to post. :o they're all basically random people that eat my class notes. i promise my next update will have something artsy in it! orz;;; i have a lot of ideas but im very lazy in drawing them on paper.

also i got pokemon heartgold. XD im so happy about that too... and i've realized i'm a pretty lucky person really. o vo like i thought i had a D in one class but it was really an A! thank god..... ! well im going to go and sleep. :p peace out.

p.s - congrats to anyone who reads all of this. you get a cookie.

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