
thank you. a reply to kuro~

I just read your post, Kuro. ;A; Thank you for cheering me up. <3
It really touched me that you care so much ahh. You're a really great friend.
I'm really glad I met you. And you're right about all the things you said.
I've cheered up a bit and your optimism is so bright. Ahhh. > w<;;; !
Adlkfjasdf just thanks again. (I really don't know what else to say)
OH and that picture was so cute ; U; ! i will try my best to be more positive and work hard.
But although I know my mother is probably proud of me, I still feel like I've yet done anything to repay her back.
Even though she is my mother, I shouldn't feel like I need to pay her back, but idk I just feel like I should by being a good student and doing as she tells me too. > 3< I will think more on this and hopefully I will turn myself around.

Oh I will try to fix that comment thing. XD I dunno if classic blogger templates support comments.. ;A;

1 comment:

soyano said...

Testing a comment!