
ff prom

so prom was yesterday. it was ok. i had fun. and im wondering why i am so ugly hahaha. just kidding.
but the best part was project prom. staying up all night until 6 am... was amazing. i was cracked up
by 5 am. i think i saw a bag... and mistook it for a cat. hmmm. and then today i slept alllll day.
literally. i didn't actually wake up until like 6 or 7 pm. :c so now i have to do all this spanish homework.
and then study meaninglessly for a AP test i will fail tomorrow morning... ugh. i hate ap classes!
why did i even bother taking ap biology, haha. oh well. make good decisions and bad ones. bleh.

also i wish my brother would stop being such a baby.. he's just ... he needs help. let's just say that.
(does it make sense that he's so immature that he is saying fuck you angrily to his little sister? :/)

i was going to post some art like i should sense this is an art blog. sorry for the rants and life story XD
i will try to keep it minimal since well... im sure most of you don't really want to read this. i wouldn't wanna...
(then why post it lina!?)

but yea im too lazy right now to post art :p sorry! definitely next time i will. whenever that will be....

i think im losing interest in internets which might be a good thing
so maybe i will take a break until school is out. you know. to focus on stuff.... pfft yea right

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