
pickled lamb paste!

Aside from the new layout......hahaha. Nothing new has been happening other than me loading up my to-draw list. When will I learn? :< Never probably. But yes. I must draw, pronto! I need to get better fast yo. I do stand by my statement that I love drawing but I do have the urge to improve. Then again I'm a lazy hobo who likes to sleep all day and eat some. Which reminds me, I need to loose weight. Sigh. ;o; Oh well.

Hum dee dum. I want to replay HeartGold. much work. I have like 60 hrs on it and all starters haha. I don't want to go through hell again. OTL Maybe I will buy SoulSilver? Nah. I will just wait for Black and White...which comes out when? 2014? Something like that. Soo...far...away. ;o; I will be a 3rd year in college by then! Hopefully......

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