Pages i love men.

i sometimes honestly doubt my sexuality because i do find myself 'staring' at girls sometimes. but then i think ...'oh the reason why im staring is because im so jealous lkfajsdfasdf' i wish i had legs like that...and other times i stare a bodies...for art LOL is that weird? i tend to ..stare at people and try to put two and two together. so that poses = much easier. i tend to do that with objects too.......

but yeah, i am definitely straight! i am definitely...definitely attracted to men. haha. i was basically foaming today because of this anime, hakuouki. it's best show in the world. if you wanna see hot bishies. -nosebleed- i really do enjoy this anime. and im jealous of the girl haha. surrounded by all of those men....fomg. sooo lucky!

........even if they are fictional. they're still attractive nonetheless! ;- ; don't judge me.i would rape them in a heartbeat lol. they'd probably kill me before i could get the chance to even make a grope... (they're samurais you see..)

ahh i've been having the urge to cg lately. but im so damn lazy. orz i think that's my problem! i wonder how i can fix this..hmmm!also i've been trying to be more positive and accepting of life. hopefully...

that's all i have to say. goodnight. lina signing off. 8D

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