

Don't you just dislike misunderstandings? They're just so aggrivating sometimes! Ahhh..
I remember I had a misunderstanding with somebody online once...
....The person mistakened that I was mm making fun or calling her names?
Because you know how people use astericks or dashes (today slashes) to type an action?
Like... *running* or -sitting- or /cheers ? I had typed -lame- apparently.. And the person took it the wrong way.
The person thought I was calling her lame and not myself. It really made me sad. ;_;

Because she then said that I was a brat or something and didn't deserve attention!
I felt horrible... Because at first I had no idea what was going on.

But this was a year or two ago. I'm surprised I still remember it. OTL

I also hate misunderstandings in dramas But they're called DRAMAS for a reason, huh?
Just aggrivates me through out the whole story. IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE! HE LOVES YOU!
RUN AFTER HIM YOU FOOL! RAHHHH! And then I end up keep watching it. Lol.

I'm sorry this blog is more like a ...personal blog. : < I need to  let out my thoughts someway!
Or else I'll starting thinking I'm a bit lonely and then think of suicide...etc. Hahahaha...OTL

I need to get my act together. Get a job, or something productive! Even draw.....maybe. :<

1 comment:

minji said...

Oh man..I do the "-lame-" thing too...D:...I'd never thought someone would take it the wrong way. orz

It sounded like she overreacted..D:
-hugs- ;_;''

AND YES. That's exactly why I don't watch dramas, LOL. I get mad at the characters and go "FFFFF YOU'RE TAKING IT THE WRONG WAY" or "HURRY UP AND CONFESS ALREADY" LOLOL. xD;;

You don't have to be sorry about anything ;w; it's your blog~. <33
Don't suicide! ;A; -clings-