
Happy Halloween!

Yay it's Halloween! Sweeeet. I wish I had some Halloween candy to eat on though. :(

Look who is back!

 I don't know what I've been doing but apparently it's not been doing better in art. But that's okay. I'm not striving for improvement right now.

I've been really wanting to start a webcomic though! Probably sometime soon I will draw it out or something.. But it won't have a story or anything. Just random...things. Because I can't write a story for the life of me.


i should post more art on here..........but then again i never draw anything for myself these days so LOL |D idk
fomflksjdfasdf school starts in a day.........i need to read this book. :T lmao

man art blocks are the worst lol. affasdgsdfk.

what spring is like...

i just realized......

  1. i'm turning 18 in less than 2 months
  2. i'm a frickin senior
  3. college.......
  4. i need money


i don' twant to grow up. somebody invent a time machine..........

-whines like a kid- Q A Q..........sorry i just had to get that off my chest flakjdf
weee -runs away-

ugh my dreams are weird.

today i dreamt of this....crazy woman trying to kill me or something. she was old....and crazy. uh she would like rip pieces of my skin half way? so they'd just be dangling there...and then when i thought i killed her  (pushed her into the abyss? lol) she came back to haunt me at my house with a baseball bat. and my mom was there and was like hmm? whatt? being all senile. and then after running around the house trying not to die from the crazy lady, my mom is just nonchallantly throwing away the trash. and she says 'hmm i thought i did this already' and then my character, or i, had an aphiphany and was like.....MOM this is all an mental illusion!! wake up! and she suddendly understood and was like aigo -shakes face- and then the dream ended and i woke up to the alarm clock lol. and the sound of my heart beating super fast :/ i could feel it from my chestttt.

at least it wasn't about zombies this time. OH i forgot to mention it didn't end at my mom shaking her head, we actually woke up and then...i think we were talking about how the crazy lady was a doll or something. i forgot the name lol. and then there was another doll named tiffany.............O AO;;; i hope i don't have a sequel. it sounds like such a bad horror movie lol.

but yeah......strange strange dreams. >A<


i need to draw more. :/


i erased like a whole page of ramblings just now lol. and instead i shall bestow upon my blogger a different thought that i previously wanted to post.

you know i cannot remember myself. well when i was younger. i don't know how i felt back then or what i believed in. i can't remember how i acted or how i thought. it's strange...and scary. i can remember doing things but are those thoughts and beliefs then the same now?

i've always just remembered myself as me. not her. not sally across the pond. just me. so when people say i've changed or become different... i wonder, have i really? i can't notice.

but whatever. i suppose this will continue to happen in my life. though i hope my negative features will change! even if people can change the paint but not the house. lol? idk

im so confused about drawing right now. i really am.
i can draw like always but not's different.
this is scary.


Scary. Inspired by Highschool of the Dead. Good manga. :) But yeah. I hope I don't draw anymore zombies. Honestly they really do freak me out. But sometimes they can be super amusing too...hmm.

Excuse me...

I love this song. It's very emotional...and deep. :( That poor girl's hair...!


i feel like taking a hiatus from online stuff....but i probably wouldn't last a second.
maybe i will take a break from online communities though? like dA and stuff....
and explore my artist self (pfft) and go on a journey to improve.

i don't know right now. but bleh now i'm thinking why bother? it is just a hobby.
good or not, i should enjoy drawing because of the love i have for it.... yea something like that.

humans are weak.

they really are. haha. we cave into pleasure...self-destruction...etc all those bad things so easily.
i admire those who tread away and keep faithful and are thankful. they really work hard to be like that.
they have great resolve. i wish i could be like that....! but sadly that does not fit into my genes.

anyway here is some lineartt and i don't think i'll finish this one either. :/
i need to work on lineart i suck at it haha. it looks 100% different from my sketches which..ihappen to like better...!

Today is ........what?

If I ever make a short comic or something.....
I really want to title the chapters like
"Today is ___!" It sounds like fun. :)

Drew this for a friend! But I can't decide on clothes....
And pose isn't concrete. I will have to change it maybe...

Uh it's a guy btw. Haha. So it's 2 AM. It's hot. I'm sweating.
 Not good. ;_; TIME TO GAME!!! YARRR.

fish soup.

I dislike it when my mom puts the whole fish into soup. D8
I mean it's perfect before that...tofu, red pepper paste, veggies, kimchi etc
Then a giant wad of fish and fish head into it. WHY MOM? ; Q; Makes me cry.

Because fish bones......aren't my friend. :c And I don't like having my dinner stare back at me LOL.
-looks at fish head- D8 Why mouth gaping hmmm? But whateverrrrrrr. It is what it is. ;n;

<3 I should draw. YUP. But probably won't for like an hour haha.

just beat it. ~

so sorry for the spam but here's another wip that i willl probably never finish. cute desu.

pickled lamb paste!

Aside from the new layout......hahaha. Nothing new has been happening other than me loading up my to-draw list. When will I learn? :< Never probably. But yes. I must draw, pronto! I need to get better fast yo. I do stand by my statement that I love drawing but I do have the urge to improve. Then again I'm a lazy hobo who likes to sleep all day and eat some. Which reminds me, I need to loose weight. Sigh. ;o; Oh well.

Hum dee dum. I want to replay HeartGold. much work. I have like 60 hrs on it and all starters haha. I don't want to go through hell again. OTL Maybe I will buy SoulSilver? Nah. I will just wait for Black and White...which comes out when? 2014? Something like that. Soo...far...away. ;o; I will be a 3rd year in college by then! Hopefully......


i hate cramps. why do i have to be a girl. :<


o look a work in progress that i will probably never finish. :<
naked girl and a teddy bear. idea from a friend on dA.
i think she's doing one too ho ho ho ho. we be cool.

okk that's all i have to show. i think my style is getting
more cute. eh oh well. its easier to draw...b:

the karate kid.

It was amazing. I don't even know where to start, man.
LFAKJSDFLKAJSDF. ;O; I loved it! I am definitely going to buy it....It was like the best thing I've watched.......all week. Seriously.

And I am in such a fighting binge right now. I just loveeeeee watching fighting scenes.
(Though violence IRL scares the poop out of me. ;A ; !!! )

Oh, sorry for not know posting art. I'm pretty lacking these days. I dunno, I just don't feeeel like drawing stuff. But eh. It might be an! Who knows, yah? But hopefully it will pass soon. In fact, I think I will draw right now, holy moley.

Also, my summer plans have been wiped. Suppose to go have fun but plans got canceled! I'm sad..but it's okay. I can get over it. :P

And I got ice cream today. I happy. -glistens-

what is today?

i'm in a bad mood. :< no idea why..... maybe i will take a shower.
i was going to post some art..but eh. maybe later hmmm?

i've been in the mood to draw......yet i don't want to draw you know?
it's a weird feeling lol. i guess im just really lazy.

i've also been breaking out lol as in acne. it's not cool at all ahhhh.
usually my face is clean during the summer. cuz well no school D:
i don't know.

and lately i've felt like quitting online stuff like gaia and dA

eh we shall see. i miss my friends too. ; _; !

another thing! i must loose weight! go exercise lina! i love men.

i sometimes honestly doubt my sexuality because i do find myself 'staring' at girls sometimes. but then i think ...'oh the reason why im staring is because im so jealous lkfajsdfasdf' i wish i had legs like that...and other times i stare a bodies...for art LOL is that weird? i tend to ..stare at people and try to put two and two together. so that poses = much easier. i tend to do that with objects too.......

but yeah, i am definitely straight! i am definitely...definitely attracted to men. haha. i was basically foaming today because of this anime, hakuouki. it's best show in the world. if you wanna see hot bishies. -nosebleed- i really do enjoy this anime. and im jealous of the girl haha. surrounded by all of those men....fomg. sooo lucky!

........even if they are fictional. they're still attractive nonetheless! ;- ; don't judge me.i would rape them in a heartbeat lol. they'd probably kill me before i could get the chance to even make a grope... (they're samurais you see..)

ahh i've been having the urge to cg lately. but im so damn lazy. orz i think that's my problem! i wonder how i can fix this..hmmm!also i've been trying to be more positive and accepting of life. hopefully...

that's all i have to say. goodnight. lina signing off. 8D


Don't you just dislike misunderstandings? They're just so aggrivating sometimes! Ahhh..
I remember I had a misunderstanding with somebody online once...
....The person mistakened that I was mm making fun or calling her names?
Because you know how people use astericks or dashes (today slashes) to type an action?
Like... *running* or -sitting- or /cheers ? I had typed -lame- apparently.. And the person took it the wrong way.
The person thought I was calling her lame and not myself. It really made me sad. ;_;

Because she then said that I was a brat or something and didn't deserve attention!
I felt horrible... Because at first I had no idea what was going on.

But this was a year or two ago. I'm surprised I still remember it. OTL

I also hate misunderstandings in dramas But they're called DRAMAS for a reason, huh?
Just aggrivates me through out the whole story. IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE! HE LOVES YOU!
RUN AFTER HIM YOU FOOL! RAHHHH! And then I end up keep watching it. Lol.

I'm sorry this blog is more like a ...personal blog. : < I need to  let out my thoughts someway!
Or else I'll starting thinking I'm a bit lonely and then think of suicide...etc. Hahahaha...OTL

I need to get my act together. Get a job, or something productive! Even draw.....maybe. :<


so i'm really lonely lol. i need friends! i do have my wonderful online friends, but i yearn to hang out and go to the movies. and i cant very well do that online. XP well i could......but its not the same, you know?

though it's sad. i spent more time with my senior friends this year than i have spent time with my 'friends' the entire lifetime i've known them.


break your hearttt

i should really post more cgs rather than sketches lol

........ Ã’ 3Ã’;;;

but omg im already excited for pokemon black and white
it looks so cooll ;A; ! even more 3D ...! yet 2D?!!?!?!?!?!
mind blown. im just excited.

ugh need to find a hospital to volunteer at! > 3<
and then maybe a job with that too?

AND OMG tomorrow is graduation
what am i going to do with my seniors!?
they're basically the only friends i have now : (
so idk what to do

cry cry cry;;; i will miss them so much omgggg

and dolsot bibimbop is yummy.........!!! i love korean food and am glad my mama is korean

i need to learn torean too....


har har har.

so ok. my computer, has a virus. it's one of those antispyware soft viruses
that scam people into buying 70 dollar programs that don't do crap.
it won't let me open programs or nuthin. so i gave up trying to fix it
and now im using my brother's old laptop, since no body uses it anyway.

:< oh well! so i lost all of my files, and i was too afraid to save them
because i thought the virus or spyware would creep up on the file
and infect this computer too.

but blah. XD i reinstalled sai + tablet
so that's all i really need =A= ahahaha

-goes to study- (pfffffffffffft)


hey.. this isn't suppose to happen. why must i dream.

lol sorry for the crappy drawing! it was drawn during school
and then taken with my camera lol. used a pen and a highlighter. O:

q _q im fat....

so im short like 5'2 and i weight like 135lbs at least. and i feel fat haha.
i think i will stop looking in the mirror for awhile.. Q n Q -shot- 
must.. lose weight! i would go to a gym but that's boring..
and then going jogging is unsafe. and i don't wanna run around in my large yard
due to the fact my neighbors will start at me like this: ó n ò;;;

but oh well i will get over it. XD i call myself fat all the time
yet do nothing about it. i guess things will change when
i get up and move and do something. DO SOMETHING LINA

why are they all guys? Q_Q
i drew some fanart too but i left it at school : ( darn i wanted to show it too haha. it was sad....fanart of tidus! ; n ; my favorite ff characterrrr.

well that's all i have to say. im going to go eat and get fatter. -shotshotshottrampledandkilled-

oh my shoopah gurl

pfffftttt. - _- ;; i laugh at my inconsistent art
but on the bright side i have no school tomorrow
that is a wonderful..wonderful thing. ;A;

Today is Wednesday!

the title reminds me of like a kiddie book XD
i want to read a children's book now.... 

yeah above are commissions i finished today. :D 
i still need to work on anatomy but oh well!

and i learned how to conquer homework!
think of it as an addictive videogame.
and the a boss....MUST DEFEAT!

you don't understand. for some reason, i am just so lucky at videogames haaha
i remember one time i was fighting this boss and i had like 1 hp and i killed it LOL
when i won. it was the best feeling ever. so hopefully if i study (leveling up) and think of it
like a game i will get lucky and when it comes to tests, aka mega boss...
maybe i will strike lucky and get no less than a B!

lol as if life works that way. MY LOGIC FAILS ME ;A; CRYYYYYY

and im thinking of drawing a generic girl with wings in the moonlight
and water and and her holding her hand out to you with sparkly eyes
oh yes. that is every otaku's dreams ahahahha

ff prom

so prom was yesterday. it was ok. i had fun. and im wondering why i am so ugly hahaha. just kidding.
but the best part was project prom. staying up all night until 6 am... was amazing. i was cracked up
by 5 am. i think i saw a bag... and mistook it for a cat. hmmm. and then today i slept alllll day.
literally. i didn't actually wake up until like 6 or 7 pm. :c so now i have to do all this spanish homework.
and then study meaninglessly for a AP test i will fail tomorrow morning... ugh. i hate ap classes!
why did i even bother taking ap biology, haha. oh well. make good decisions and bad ones. bleh.

also i wish my brother would stop being such a baby.. he's just ... he needs help. let's just say that.
(does it make sense that he's so immature that he is saying fuck you angrily to his little sister? :/)

i was going to post some art like i should sense this is an art blog. sorry for the rants and life story XD
i will try to keep it minimal since well... im sure most of you don't really want to read this. i wouldn't wanna...
(then why post it lina!?)

but yea im too lazy right now to post art :p sorry! definitely next time i will. whenever that will be....

i think im losing interest in internets which might be a good thing
so maybe i will take a break until school is out. you know. to focus on stuff.... pfft yea right

thank you. a reply to kuro~

I just read your post, Kuro. ;A; Thank you for cheering me up. <3
It really touched me that you care so much ahh. You're a really great friend.
I'm really glad I met you. And you're right about all the things you said.
I've cheered up a bit and your optimism is so bright. Ahhh. > w<;;; !
Adlkfjasdf just thanks again. (I really don't know what else to say)
OH and that picture was so cute ; U; ! i will try my best to be more positive and work hard.
But although I know my mother is probably proud of me, I still feel like I've yet done anything to repay her back.
Even though she is my mother, I shouldn't feel like I need to pay her back, but idk I just feel like I should by being a good student and doing as she tells me too. > 3< I will think more on this and hopefully I will turn myself around.

Oh I will try to fix that comment thing. XD I dunno if classic blogger templates support comments.. ;A;

mixed feelings.

so like i want to do what i want when i want...
but i feel like i owe her at least my attention when it comes to education
i feel like i owe her straight As and being in the top 5
since she wants me to be great and have a good life.
i understand why.

and i know she's not the strictest parent
i'm lucky that i can even do the things i do today

yet..i keep being selfish and think but i want to do this and that
not what you want, what i want..

so i begin to resent myself and i'm always thinking of how
i want to give her happiness by accomplishing good deeds
like being top student and studying alll the time ...being smart n stuff

but i'm not smart. im average. i don't know what way to go
i don't know how to do many things in this world called adulthood
perhaps it my fault. and it probably is. for not being more serious
and saying 'hey i really have to get it together'

i hate how i'm always lazy and i always procrastinate
i hate how i say i'm going to do things..set goals
and end up never doing them.
i hate how i'm always taking things for granted
and winging every choice

i want to change. for the better
so i can make her proud and feel worry free about me.
i mean it's the least i can do for her.
i keep saying this. yet my actions won't prove success

i wish i could turn on this 'button' i have
so i can get on with life and stop living as a 10 yr old


i love taking pictures... ♥ 3♥

i took these pictures around my house so haha; 
the sky was pretty ;A; i just had to capture the moment.

and here's me being a boy lol

me so ugly.

mmm yummy

o u o  i was going to finish it but i decided in the end not too...
i need to work on coloring more! > A< and noses lol; haha with time though..with time - u -


sorry i haven't been posting art lately ;A; ahhhh im hopeless.

but i just read the latest naruto chapter.

EVIL NARUTO WTFFF ;A; is it strange i find evil naruto hotter than nice naruto LOL
i mean naruto is hot but an evil side....-whistle-

and lol "YEAHH BOIIII"


i need to find a prom dress. :(
all these new styles today are so ugly wtf.

ahhh. and i hate it when i backspace when typing
and it goes backward a page instead of a letter - - ;;;
so i end up loosing my typed stuff....

but anyway.... so i drew this just now 8D
hmm.... lol i need to work on anatomy.
and other stuff...

my mood right now is very...indifferent
well im kinda thirsty! o vo ;;;

fffff and i need to draw my OCs sometime
i neglect them too much ;A; im sorry guys ilu

i should...

draw more interesting things. i have a lot of originals in my head but im too lazy to draw them because i know they will take forever to draw :c

is that a bad thing? XD

and........ i need to stop drawing cute things...

yee haw

well i can't draw girl clothes...
anyone know cute sites to look at cute girl clothes at? 8D then again i could just google it.. - w-

and i like him so you get to see him too. 8D he's somebody's oc on gaia hur


well i can't believe it.. but i have about a month and a half ish left until school is out.
i am not looking forward to it. i have to apply for a few colleges, get recommendations, apply for scholarships..etc and i also have to worry about these AP tests in may which i am going to DREAD. ahhh. they're horrible. i should start studying haha. i also have a whole week of semester tests on top of that..along with state testing. orz it is going to be a horrible month! on the other side, i won't have much homework..hopefully. mostly reading / studying in may. school lets out may 26th? i think. and then i will be a senior! i still can't believe it. time really does fly. i do regret not doing my best for the past few years haha.... maybe next year i will try hard and do nothing but study! -shot- expect during senior year for me not to be online / drawing as much. and besides if i draw too much i end up getting in an art block anyway XD so its better if i draw a few times a month rather than 20 times a day haha. hopefully i will improve next year. i plan on taking anatomy + art I for the first time! i am excited. let's hope my schedule goes out according to plan. we're having 7 periods but only like a 40 min lunch. which is hard because upper classmen get open lunch (where we are released to go eat anywhere) and it usually takes the whole hour to eat. = 3 = i might as well just pack lunch or something. they say our cafeteria is going to be built by jan 2011 so... goodbye free lunch! -cries- i will miss you fast food. hello gross cafeteria food. .. i am definitely going to pack my lunch.

wow this entry is long... XD ;; i hope nobody reads this.. - w- i wouldn't read it myself hahaha.

no art today. i didn't draw anything recently that i'd want to show... :< i will try to just post original art next time. = w= when i am not lazy hahaha. -shot- btw apples are super yummyyyy. 8D

rahhhh rahhh rumm

so i've seen amazing bg pictures
in the past hour LOL one from gaia in my inbox
and then another on my friend's blog (eec10@ blogspot)

makes me want to try a background. - w - ... HA

but here's a character i guess haha to pass the time. his name is Sine.

so new template.

i like this template a lot. haha. and it was a basic one too. :>

though tomorrow, i have a chemistry test. chp 16-19. ;  ~ ; i am going to die! orz (who knows how many times i've said that ahhh) i will try to study though. > 3< i need to get into that habit again. i am slipping as a student and im disappointed in myself. :( where is my motivation when i need it?! - v- i guess i ran away with my care emotion as well....

anyway i don't really have any art to post. so here is an old picture i drew for somebody on solia. :> i liked it. 


so here's a cat.

and then here's some SAMURAI lol

enjoy. :> 

also i am getting fatter. :<<< i need to do something about this....

i feel very lucky.

today i got my report card! and my mom didn't kill me for having only one A and the rest Bs (though i wanted to kill myself when i got my report card hahaha.) i think she's getting to the point where she doesn't care anymore LOL. more americanized already! -shot- but im really thankful. now i can enjoy my last school semester...somewhat. -__- i am not looking forward to the AP exams + semester tests + more tests in may. 9 more weeks to go!! -tears of blood- i hope it goes by quickly. i will try to focus more on getting better grades and acutally studying for tests. so i might not be online on the weekdays much. probably only on weekends...maybe. :/ i also need to get myself ready for college! i need to write my stuff and get recommendations. ughh. i wonder what teachers would write for me.. T O T

im not drawing much for myself these days. XD well mostly in doodles on paper in class... but that's not really anything to post. :o they're all basically random people that eat my class notes. i promise my next update will have something artsy in it! orz;;; i have a lot of ideas but im very lazy in drawing them on paper.

also i got pokemon heartgold. XD im so happy about that too... and i've realized i'm a pretty lucky person really. o vo like i thought i had a D in one class but it was really an A! thank god..... ! well im going to go and sleep. :p peace out.

p.s - congrats to anyone who reads all of this. you get a cookie.


yeah this is an art blog. but i need to post this somewhereee...!

so my mom tells me to change the time and all.
and then she asks me to call my step-dad at work and say time is changed too.
so you know he can change the clocks there.

so i call.

"mom says that the time needs to be changed"
"tell her shut up" -hang up phone-

WTF? why did he get so mad. was it because i said "mom said" or what... i don't understand.

but on another note. i might not have a c next week. we will see. :') 


I'm kind of worried about my grades. :S
I think I'll either end up having a C or C+ on my next report card (that comes out next week.)
And my mom is asian and has such high expectations. It's really my fault for not paying attention in class...
Or doing my homework for that matter.

If I end up not going online, either A) I am grounded B) My computer was thrown out C) I had a change of heart and decided to get good grades next 9 weeks or D) I died.

If  I am grounded, I will probably be MIA for a few months. At least until summer...
And I will probably be even less online due to the fact it's my senior year then, so I will be running around trying to look for colleges. :<


Go do your homework, Lina.

So I was trying to see why my layout doesn't show my navbar but oh well. XD I will change this layout...eventually! And I tried to add comments too but that didn't work out. I could get the link up but it wouldn't redirect to comments? I guess classic layouts didn't have comments...huh.... :I ;;;

(But I like it too much to mess with it. ; O ; )

Must learn HTML for blogger.;;;; OTL

So the guy on the right....
Anyone else notice his phone is upside down? > v>


So there I was today, at home watching Flapjack. And the mermaid episode was on.. and I saw this skymaid and I wanted to draw her. +w+ Here she is? Taaadaaaaa?? That's all I really have to say ohoho. And I need to study! ;_; I want to make my momma proud. Even if it is embarassing to do so lol.

My cat is so hyper right now wtf. -throws stuff at it-


So today I've decided to create this new blog haha.
I'll post art and stuff here sometimes. * u *

And possibly rant about life. RIGHT NOW IM GOING CRAZY!
Because I need to do this paper and I wish school wasn't tomorrow...

I can't wait until summer.